Run “Ateik ir įveik!”

Important | 2024-09-04

Saturday, September 14th, we invite all sports enthusiasts to the “Ateik ir įveik!” event dedicated to honoring Professor Kazimieras Baršauskas.

This is a great opportunity not only to test your strength but also to meet like-minded people and have a fun and active time. Registration is open until September 12th, 11:59 PM, on the Lithuanian Running Enthusiasts Association website, where you can also find information about the running and walking routes. Link: h

Professor Kazimieras Baršauskas long-time rector of KTU, brings together children and adults who are passionate about sports for the 23rd time with this event. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this tradition! We expect around 300 participants. All who reach the finish line will receive commemorative medals.

The event will feature the following runs and age groups:

  • 100 m children’s run – for boys and girls (born in 2012 and later).
  • 1.6 km obstacle run – open to all, no age groups.
  • 6.2 km run with two stair climbs – men and women divided by age groups:
    • M/W (born in 1984 and later)
    • M40/W40 (born in 1983 and earlier)
  • Team categories:
    • VYRK – men’s teams (3 men)
    • MOTK – women’s teams (3 women)
    • MK – mixed teams (3 participants, with at least one woman)
  • 6.2 km walk with two stair climbs – open to all, no age groups.


  • 10:00–12:30 – Participant number pick-up.
  • 11:00 – Event start and welcome speech.
  • 11:20 – 100 m children’s run start.
  • 11:50 – Award for the youngest participant: trophy and event t-shirt.
  • 12:00 – 1.6 km obstacle run start.
  • 12:40 – 6.2 km run with 2 stair climbs start.
  • 12:45 – 6.2 km walk with 2 stair climbs start.
  • 14:00 – Award ceremony:
    • Winners of the 1.6 km obstacle run.
    • Winners of the 6.2 km run with 2 stair climbs.
    • Winners of the 6.2 km walk with 2 stair climbs.
    • Award for the oldest participant: trophy and event t-shirt.
  • 15:00 – Event conclusion.

The program may change depending on the number of participants.

Don’t forget to register and arrive on time.

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